Monday, 8 September 2014

Are you ready to live the #BikiniReadyLifestyle? I wasn't!

Out of all the supplements I have tried, I think Bikini Ready might be my favourite. So what have I tried? There was the green tea supplements which are used primarily for weight loss but also boost energy because of the high amount of protien. I've taken Disney and superhero vitamins for children because they always give a good boost to my immune system and overall energy. Just recently I started taking Runway Ready from Hum Nutrition - which I will be blogging about soon.

But what I love about Bikini Ready is the small amount of caffeine in it. The amount is miniscule in comparison to the green tea supplements I was taking, yet I had a load of energy and my appetite was suppressed without a nagging feeling that I should have been eating. Not over-eating was the best thing in the world, because I tend to do that. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't given the whole bottle - probably the only disappointing thing about the box of products I was sent to test.

Make sure to eat before you take these, as it is extremely dangerous to lose your appetite on an empty stomach. I was so dizzy that even drinking water didn't help and I had to force myself I eat. Luckily it was my first day of job training and I was kept busy enoug not to notice until almost dinner time. But don't take any chances!

What are some things you can do if you don't work? Work out! A balance of eating healthy and activity whilst on these supplements has got to be a killer combo. The results I have both seen and felt are amazing. Personally, I fancy yoga, swimming, or forms of cardio that can be done in the pool or on the grass. 

My rating: 5/5
I loved how I wasn't drained after the supplements wore off, and didn't feel shaky while still at full energy. Definitely a supplement I would love to take consistently and could stay faithful too. When taken correctly I don't think there are any cons. Unfortunately for me there isn't a merchant nearby and I'm not sure how I feel about buying a bottle online for $15 + tax, shipping, and handling. Definitely recommend looking at nearby stores or seeing how tax, shipping, and handling are in your states, though, because if this is a price you can afford or don't mind then it is 100% worth it! 

Product received complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster. Photo taken from my personal Twitter account.

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